Saturday, December 27, 2008

overall comment for BalQisku

kepada pembaca yang budiman

sila tinggalkan komen anda mengenai keseluruhan novel ini...

berikan pendapat ataw apa2 sahaja yang anda ingin kongsikan mengenai novel ini

terima kasih atas sokongan anda...


  1. da abis...
    best nye cite dye..
    so sweet..

  2. hehe..besh2..
    there they go..
    akhirnya bahagia milik Qis n Danial..

  3. serius... mmg best gile cite nie... sweet sesgt!!! ur english also very good.... keep it up girl.... (;

  4. very interesting....teruskan penulisan anda....:))

  5. yeee haaaa....akhirnya cinta itu milik Qis and Danial...
    tak ada citer terbaru ker?????

  6. besh... shweet jerkkk... gud job...

  7. nana nak tanya, novel ni awak buat sendiri ker...siapa HADIAH tu...

  8. best sgt!!!! sweet cite ni.. wpn mulanya cm nk wjudkan konflik dr 1 pihak, tpi pihak 1 lagi x layan...

    qis very smart.. akhirnya danial kalah dan akhirnya kemenangan buat qis n danial...

    suka sangat2...

  9. ye la memang best cite kite

  10. sy da baca cerita nie kat teratak anna abadi...da lama cite nie....

  11. Congrats!!!!!
    best sangat..heeheee
    *2 thumps up for u..^-^

  12. congrats...

    even dah penah bce cte ni dlu..
    still x boring nak bce lg2..

    pape pn...
    smbg2 cte br tau..

  13. salam..
    sy dh bace citer nie full b4 u post kt cini
    ori from u ea??

  14. cter nie sweet sgt....ur english also good....lg satu pnulis cter nie m'buatkn saya teringat kat penulis kegemaran saya iaitu HLOVATE...adakah penulisnya orang yang sama? coz...ada perkataan yg slalu di gunakn oleh HLOVATE.....ape2 hal love this sory...lain drpd yg lain....congrate 2 you...tingkatkan prestasi k....

  15. ok..saya baru marathon baca malam ni and my comment is...excellant!!!!!!!!!!! the best story i had ever read..memang superb abis..i support u...

  16. cte ni sgt comei
    jarang ad org wat cte best cggini

    keep up the gud work!!

  17. best sangat.
    buat lah cerita baruuu

  18. Cerita ni menarik.
    n yang paling menarik dan terbaik adalah dari segi watak dia.
    kalau ikut cerita, cite kahwin paksa ni dh jd mcm cite biase bg novel2.
    but then, hadiah wat cite ni sangat2 menarik.. especially melalui watak2 dia.
    cth macam watak balqis : walaupon die cm kene buli ngan daniel first2, tp die still mcm ade pride die gak. and bile one time die ckp, memang bole sentap ar..
    watak balqis ni la macam paling menarik dlm cite ni.

    kalo ikut cite2 novel2 yg len(yg sy pnh bc la stakat ni), mostly kalo ade watak mcm balqis ni mesti yg redha 100%. ta melawan sgt pon.
    balqis ni die melawan tp dlm ms yg sm die respect.

    ps-huhu.sorry r kalo merepek sgt.
    last but not least, good job miss!

  19. best lorrrrr~~ sangat best~~ :)

  20. I had a good read! Sweet sweet story that can't make me stop blushing! Story not too heavy not too light. Just nice. I think the genre that you picked(arrange marriage) plays a part too in making this story readable. But nevertheless you bring something different to it and it is really gooooood. Love it and good job!

  21. kali ke-brapa-kali-ntah baca neh....
    but still ase nk-baca-ag-tanpa-borim citer neh..
    mmg kgum lah..
    luv ur english...mmg supert ah..bbga ase dpt bca n fhm...

    nk yg new oneeee!!!!!


  22. sgt best...kalo leh smbg la lg...

  23. i'm really happy coz jumpa balik cerita ni... 1 of my favorite story at penulisan2u... tahniah... teruskan menulis...

  24. 1st, sorry cz tak bagi comment kat semua episod, but i did tick for reaction for all episodes.
    2nd, really! the story is so much sweet sangat bangat.
    3rd, really thanks to writer to let this story published here. even it is not in the book form but i would say, lots of people would like to read this novel.
    4th, congratulation because this novel really made my day. and congratulation because you can write such a good novel. only great mind can put the imagination into word, i really cherish good writers with their good words and imaginations.
